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My Camaro, Corvette, & Fiero Hobby Web Site (established April 2001)

My site works by clicking on the words in the Header of each page to display the different pages I have created.

Take your time and enjoy the photos I have collected. Before you leave click on my "Contact Page" and sign my Guest Book then send me an Email about your car.

Thanks for the visiting and I hope you come back soon.

Last Update: January 29, 2004

My Hobby

A hobby is something that you love to do and spend time on. I love caring for my cars. I love looking at my cars. I love driving my cars. I love talking about my cars. I love to talk and hear about other people's cars. As you can tell my hobby is CARS. I have dedicated this web site to my hobby and will concentrate on the CAMARO, the CORVETTE, and the FIERO. Have a look around and if it interests you send me an email. I would love to hear about your car and display a picture of it on my web site. Have a great day and come back soon.

Have a look at the header tab My Cars and see my personal treasures.

If you like Fieros click the link below to check out the Michigan Fiero Club web site. I am a member and would encourage you to join as well.

Michigan Fiero Club

The American Sports Car
The Camaro will always live on as the original American Sports Car for me.

Like A Rock